
Funeral Service in Stockbridge is provided by the Mitchell Family. John and Gloria, and son Johnny and his wife Cindy purchased the business from the Caskey family in August of 1995. In 2004 Mike Mitchell joined the business and now the brothers run the operation together. Since 1995 the Mitchell family has been fortunate to carry on the tradition of care that had been set by the Milner and Caskey Families.

The business was started by the Louis M. Milner family in 1898 and moved to its present location in 1925. The house was built in 1894 by Asher J. Miller. The Milner tradition was continued by Louis's son Hugh joining the family business.

The Caskey Family was entrusted with funeral service to Stockbridge when Bill and his wife Beverly purchased the business from Hugh Milner after a long working relationship that started long before Bill Graduated from Mortuary School at Wayne State University in 1942. In 1973 the funeral home went under a major renovation and the porch was replaced by the three story brick facade with circle windows and stained glass windows still present. The Caskey name was continued by Bill's son, Jeff, who joined the business in 1975 after graduating from Wayne State University.